Simplicast is a family-run local business offering a world-class casting system, together with local support.
The idea of the SimpliCast water-based casting system began early 2021 after searching for a safer, more environmentally friendly and comparatively cheaper alternative to epoxy resin casting systems. Extensive research unearthed a "game changing" overseas product that met these criteria. The intriguing potential of such a unique product led to the development of a suitable alternative for the South African market. After months of trial and error, we struck success mid-2022 with a near perfect local alternative.
SimpliCast is a two-part water based casting system: a natural mineral powder (Part A) and a water based binding liquid (Part B). Our product can be easily tinted and cast into any silicone or hard mould of your choice with excellent reproduction of detail. An added bonus is that our incredibly versatile product may be de-moulded in 1 to 2 hours.
It is highly enjoyable to work with and offers seemingly endless possibilities for your creativity. Get casting!
Contact Simplicast today; we typically respond within a business day so if you don't hear from us, kindly follow up with a call.
078 653 8770
E-mail Us Via Contact Form
C/O Postnet Suite 0363 Private Bag X31
Knysna 6573,
Western Cape
South Africa
Webmaster: Website Silk
All SimpliCast's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) are answered in a single handy Simplicast FAQ document for your convenience.
Mixing ratios, mixing method, adding colour, mixing duration, time to de-mould, casting getting warm, cleaning your work space & product safety - all addressed!